PEC® Prequalification Services

Our team of compliance experts will take you through a carefully managed blueprint for success which requires collecting pertinent information, verifying all information, supplementing and supplementing anything you need for compliance.

Let’s Start Work

Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days. Or just call us now.


How can we help?

Our team has expert knowledge of the PEC® Compliance Pro platform and understands what’s required for successful qualification. If we find gaps in your PEC® safety program we can custom build the materials that you need. Once qualified, we help you stay there by regularly monitoring/maintaining your PEC® account.

Our Solutions & Benefits

  1. Write and upload complete company-specific safety manuals to meet owner-clients and auditor requirements
  2. Receive assessment of your current training, provide required training documents and upload all required materials
  3. Eliminate discrepancies and upload all insurance and statistical documents required by your customers
  4. Provide digital copy of all materials and certificates
  1. Write individual, specific, and customized chapters
  2. Upload required chapters to your account
  3. Deliver both hardbound manual and digital copies
  4. Custom safety training programs can be built and delivered via our online platform or provided as “train-the-trainer” style kits.
  1. Scheduled review and monitoring of your account
  2. Complete all required quarterly updates
  3. Write and upload all new and revised chapters
  4. Upload all required updated documentation including Insurance/ Experience Modification Letters and OSHA Logs

Not sure if you need help? Start with a FREE assessment